For Real Things I Know: Librarianship...Bloomington Library

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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Librarianship...Bloomington Library

Librarianship...Bloomington Library: "Contrary to popular belief, librarians do not have time to sit and read books all day.
A librarian's work actually involves acquiring, organizing and making the library's information available to its readers. Those who handle duties related to acquiring materials for the library would need to be able to select and purchase materials within a given budget. They read book reviews, publishers' announcements, and catalogues to keep up with current literature and other available resources, and select and purchase materials from publishers, wholesalers, and distributors. Librarians also organize lists of books, periodicals, pamphlets, articles, and audiovisual materials, analyse collections, do genealogical research and recommend materials. They even maintain library Web Sites! Librarians supervise assistants who prepare cards, computer records, or other access tools that direct users to resources.

Librarians are classified according to the type of library in which they work-public libraries, school libraries, media center, academic libraries, and special libraries. Librarians also work in information centers or libraries maintained by government agencies; corporations; law firms; advertising agencies; museums; professional associations; religious organizations; research laboratories; commercial, industrial, and scientific organizations; public and private sector undertakings; medical centers, and hospitals."


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