For Real Things I Know: Catholics, Not Born Agains, Won It for Bush--poll anaylsis by Steven Waldman and John Green--Kerry Christian vote --

For Real Things I Know

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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Catholics, Not Born Agains, Won It for Bush--poll anaylsis by Steven Waldman and John Green--Kerry Christian vote --

Catholics, Not Born Agains, Won It for
There was indeed a flood of evangelicals to the polls-—but it now appears that the shift in the Catholic vote was just as important and, in crucial states, probably more so.

In addition, Bush also made gains among the moderately religious-—and the secular-—not just the heavy-duty religious voters who attend religious services weekly or more.
Another surprising finding: Bush did not dramatically improve his standing among people who go to church weekly or more often.
Amusingly, the biggest improvement in Bush’s performance actually came from those who never go to church. He won 36% of this group compared to 32% last time.


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