For Real Things I Know: A rant from a friend

For Real Things I Know

Fine-art digital photography, liberal hard left-leaning politics, and personal mindspace of Solomon

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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A rant from a friend

The following is a post that Nicole posted on her site, and that I'm going to repost here because her site isn't fully up yet and isn't sending RSS feeds yet (and because I enjoy rants against the two-party system).

I'm not back yet as I have to reinstall MT, but my rant won't wait.

I live in county where a boy was just presented with a medal of honor on behalf of his heroic dead father who's great feat was to singlehandedly kill 50 Iraqis, saving 100 Americans--a reward for state sponsored violence, and a token just at that. That boy doesn't need a fucking medal--that boy needs a fucking father. Let's see President Bush take care of that.

People with their blinders on assume that I'm a Democrat. Most people don't even realize that there are other options, and frankly, the system encourages that misunderstanding. The system doesn't really work all that well for those of us that bow out of the two-party system--how many times has someone told me that the reason that they register as a Democrat is so that they can vote in the primaries? More times than I can count. And how many people vote Democrat in order to vote against the Republican party? Our vote has no integrity whatsoever. I count my blessings that I don't live in a swing state and haven't been forced to vote for someone that I couldn't at least pretend to support in a very long time.

I mentioned my political distress to my officemate here at work and he asked, "What did you expect from this administration?" Well, my friend, I expect nothing from this administration, or any other administration for that matter. This medal of honor business has been going on for quite some time, and just about every administration that I've known has had it in for somebody. I didn't vote for Gore in 2000 because he and Clinton were directly responsible for the murders of many people in Kosovo by what the government likes to call friendly fire. If there's anything I can say with certainty, it's that no fire is friendly when you're at the receiving end of it. As for Iraq, we've been bombing them for my whole adult life and it looks like we'll keep it up. They tell us that no one wants another Vietnam on their hands, but....

Not that our votes matter all that much, anyway. I remember the day in elementary school that I learned about the electoral college. Years away from voting and I already realized that I had been disenfranchised. I guess now the word is out that this one fucked up system.

Thanks to Allen I've been listening to music by Micheal Franti, and he mentions the term peaceful revolution. I love the idea of a peaceful revolution, but peaceful revolutions only seem to be peaceful on the part of the revolutionaries. This kind of thing isn't new, and your not knowing about it won't keep it from happening.


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