For Real Things I Know: We Humans Are Just So Ignorant... me too

For Real Things I Know

Fine-art digital photography, liberal hard left-leaning politics, and personal mindspace of Solomon

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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Thursday, August 12, 2004

We Humans Are Just So Ignorant... me too

Food and Drinks Industry in the McSpotlight: "In 1969 it was reported that babies in Zambia had become malnourished because their mothers fed them Coke and Fanta, believing it was the best thing they could give their children. Around the time 54% of the seriously malnourished children admitted to the children's hospital at Ndola had 'Fantababy' written on their progress charts."

It's little pieces of information like this that make me question the overall value of so many activist campaigns. Activist campaigns which target the public and try to change its opinion only effect the way a corporation advertises or acts in the region of the activism. The more educated the U.S. public becomes about organic food or sustainable agriculture or any such thing, the more corporations will turn to other countries for their profits. Even if we convince all of the U.S. to stop smoking, U.S. tobacco companies are just going to redouble their efforts to sell to China or India or Zambia or...

If we have so much trouble waking up the powers that be to actual genocides in other countries, how much influence can we expect to have on the economic, ecological, or human health catastrophes that might occur by U.S. corporations?

Of course, I hear all the time, "But if we don't boycott/protest/etc. against this, then changes won't happen." Well, I think changes aren't going to happen with the boycotting and protesting either. Fundamental changes need to occur in the responsibility that corporations must take toward long-term non-financial futures and activists' attempts to nickel-and-dime down corporate policies aren't going to make that happen.


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