For Real Things I Know

For Real Things I Know

Fine-art digital photography, liberal hard left-leaning politics, and personal mindspace of Solomon

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Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

New York Blade gay reporter kept from interviewing Olympic medalists: "At the end of it, I was the only person who was rejected for an interview. Sherman said it wasn’t because I was gay, but the writing is on the wall. I was rejected from the group interview because I was from the New York Blade – which every PR person in town knows is a gay paper.

"All I wanted to ask the Hamms were two questions.

"First: “Thanks to Terrell Owens, people are again talking about gays in sports. How would you feel about having a gay teammate?”

"Then: “Long before Athens, you had a strong gay following. What do you think about that?”

"If he’s reading this, Sherman is surely very glad that he kept me from asking the Hamms those questions.


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