For Real Things I Know: Universality of Parenting Behavior

For Real Things I Know

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Universality of Parenting Behavior

Fascinating. I'm finding this reference to universally identified adult-child relationship patterns all over the place in my browsing.

Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, Unit 11, Chapter 1:
essential parts of parenting behaviors towards infants are usually not cognitively controlled or intentionally performed (e.g. spontaneous raising of the voice to a higher pitch during 'baby talk', mimical mirroring, face - to - face distance regulation), they are regarded as expressions of a universal behavioral repertoire which is triggered by the presence of a baby. Although experiences with babies improve parenting, it is basically existent without explicit learning, since it is even displayed in children as young as 2 to 3 years, performed by both sexes and appears in virtually all investigated cultures. Nevertheless, substantial differences in prevalence and mode of parenting across cultures are obvious.


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