For Real Things I Know: White House erases history

For Real Things I Know

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

White House erases history

House Removes Page & Link From Website:

Immediately after the VP debate, when the question of which countries comprise the "Coalition" to invade Iraq became an issue, the White House removed the webpage listing members of the Coalition. When people wrote the webmaster to point out that the page had gone 404, the White House re[s]ponded--not by putting the page back online--but by removing the link to the now-missing page.
But again, as with other incompetent attempts to erase webpages, different versions of the page escaped the webmaster's notice and, thus, still exist on the site. They can be found with a Google search. In a classic type of screw-up, the "text only" version of the page remains on the White House website here. The Memory Hole has created a mirror just in case this page disappears, too.


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