For Real Things I Know: Media cutting corners

For Real Things I Know

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Monday, October 24, 2005

Media cutting corners

As in the food industry, if a media organization cuts the time between raw ingredients (the information fed to it) and the final product (the story written or broadcast), they'll decrease labor and increase profit. They'll also make a tasteless product with little nutrition.

Flagrancy to Reason:
As for an explanation why all this scrutiny had so little affect on the national discussion that everybody who was wrong can now chirp away about how everybody else was wrong, too, USA Today offered the following (2/25/2003):

"Of 414 stories on the Iraqi question that aired on NBC, ABC and CBS from Sept. 14 to Feb. 7, Tyndall says that the vast majority originated from the White House, Pentagon and State Department. Only 34 stories originated from elsewhere in the country, [news analyst Andrew Tyndall] says.

Similarly, a check of major newspapers around the country from September to February found only 268 stories devoted to peace initiatives or to opposition to the war, a small fraction of the total number."


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